Dating with Emuna

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The Fashion Model

With so much confusion and frustration in the dating and shidduchim scene, Rachel Avrahami presents us with an eye-opening, 8-part Dating with Emuna series...

The Emuna Crisis

People think there is a "singles crisis" but really, there is a holiness crisis, based on an even more foundational emuna crisis...

The Real Shadchan

Unlike human shadchanim, Hashem doesn’t need to be sent gifts every so often to remember that you exist. And He won't get annoyed if you call too often either...

Head over Heart

The heart is wild by nature and can cause you lots of pain if it’s not put in check. However, if the head comes first, the heart will surely jump in at the right time...

Who Says You Can Date?

Who wants to waste time dating the wrong one? Dating should be focused on finding out if the prospective marriage partner is appropriate and suitable for you.

Be Yourself!

If you think you need to change yourself in the slightest in order to get married, you're really saying that you don’t trust Hashem enough to have made a soulmate for you...

Prince or Frog?

It is of primary importance to be able to weed out the “princes from the frogs” – before you kiss them, or even worse, marry them...

Date with Confidence

The right guy will love her for exactly who she is – with her strengths, and even her weaknesses – without her needing to impress him with her looks.

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